If this is a personal device, see the Connecting to UPrep Wifi article.

If you are trying to connect a UPrep owned device that is joined to the domain (excluding north lab iMacs), please install the app and follow the onscreen instructions. (Full article at Connecting to UPrep Wifi.)

To check if your laptop is joined to the domain, please go to System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> click Login Options. If it says "UniversityPrep.org", it's joined to the domain. 

To check if your laptop is cloud managed, go to Applications and see if you have the app "Manager".

If the Mac is cloud managed but not connecting, the first step is to click the wireless icon and select "Uprep Wifi" and see if it connects.

If prompted for credentials you can manually select the certificate:

1. Change "Mode:" to EAP-TLS from the drop-down menu.

2. Change "Identity:" to your device serial number from the drop-down menu (There will be multiple options. Select the one that is just the serial number, nothing else. If you need to find your serial number, go to the apple in the upper left and select About this Mac.) If you don't see your serial listed, please bring your device to the Tech office.

3. Click Join (Username field is not used, so leave blank.)

If you don't see your serial number listed in the drop-down on step 2 above, please double check that your device is actually managed by Mosyle and not joined to the domain. If it is managed by Mosyle, you may not have received the profile. Connect to the guest network and wait a bit to give it time for the profile to apply to the device. Start at the beginning of this article and go through it step by step to get connected. 

Any issues or questions email support@universityprep.org, can also come by our office for assistance.