We implemented mandatory password resets every 6 months starting on September 15th 2016 for your UPrep account. Starting April 1st 2012 moving to rolling 12 months. If your password has not been reset within the rolling timeframe your account will be disabled automatically and you will not be able to connect to any UPrep resource including wifi and Schoology.
*Important - We have seen multiple instances of users not being able to go through this process using Safari so we recommend that you do not use Safari, any other browser should be fine.
-------To Register your account to use the password reset utility --------
(this is one time registration but the system will periodically ask you to verify the information is up to date.)
To register your account if you haven’t already.
Open a browser and go to
Log in using your account.
You will be prompted for your contact information (if not continue on).
Follow the steps on the screen to go through the process of adding a phone number, security questions, and an alternate email address. You’ll need to set up 1 of the 3 listed above, but we recommend doing all three. Please keep in mind if you choose to set up an alternate email address, it cannot be your U Prep email account.
Once you have completed the registration you can change/update this information whenever you like by doing the following from your Office 365 account:
click on your avatar (upper right, will be your initials in a little circle or a pic if you set one), “View Account” > "Security info” click on self service password rest
After your account is registered, you can reset your password by going to your account and clicking on "Password"
---------------------Resetting your password---------------------
Open a browser, internet access is required, and go to (or any other Office 365 bookmark(s) you might already have).
Log in using your University Prep account credentials (i.e. email address and password).
Click on your avatar (upper right, will be your initials in a little circle or a pic if you set one), then “View Account” > "Password”.
Follow the directions on the page: type in your current password once (retype it even if it autofills the field) and your new password twice. Click “submit”. Your password must be 10-16 characters and include a capital letter, a number, a lower case letter, and a special character (like !,@,#,?,&, etc). It cannot contain your username. It cannot be a password used previously.
Going forward in order to keep track of when you password needs to be reset it might be a good idea to set a reminder for yourself in 5-6 months to reset you password so you do not unexpectedly have your account get disabled because your password expired. We try to email reminder notifications but it is your responsibility to manage your account.
We are enabling this policy on September 15th 2016 but the 6 month timeframe starts over every time you reset your password.
On April 1st 2021 we are changing the timeframe to one year.
If, after going through the process listed above, you have any questions feel free to email [email protected] or come by the Tech Office.
Forgot your password? -- Click the "cant access account" or "Forgot my password" link on the login page at or any Office 365 login page and follow the prompts to reset your password. The exact wording of the link may be different depending on browser/system.
If you go through the process and your password doesn't seem to be resetting (you can test by logging into Schoology or Google Drive with the new password) then the first step will be to clear your browser cache and go through the process again.
If asked if your account is a work/school or personal account, it is a work/school account, not personal and the process will not work if the incorrect account type has been selected.
Sometimes an error will flash up briefly which indicates a problem, try to catch what it says, so watch the screen carefully during the process. Most frequently the password you are trying to change to does not meet the complexity requirements (8 or more alphanumeric characters including special characters like an @ sign.)
After resetting your password you will need to update things like your email client on any devices you use on campus.
If you have any questions feel free to email [email protected] or come by the Tech Office.
Feel free to email us feedback to help improve this article if there is any confusion about the process. Include which step(s) and any other pertinent info.